The Darksiders franchise may get a new installment soon. On 1st Nov 2021, Anton Lavrushkin, who is the art director of Darksiders 3, shared an art...
Kamaru Usman is arguably one of the best fighters to ever fight in the UFC. Ever since ‘The Nigerian Nightmare’ made his UFC debut in 2015,...
For a while there, it seemed like victory was slipping away from the hands of the Los Angeles Lakers. They struggled for most of the game...
TWO paramedics have revealed the questions they are CONSTANTLY getting asked and how annoying they are. 23-year-old Kirsten and her fellow paramedic pal Ellis Prevett work...
LEGENDARY Ab Fab actress Joanna Lumley is the nation’s sweetheart. But sometimes her fans wonder about her husband Stephen Barlow. Getty – ContributorJoanna Lumley and her...
MORE than four billion people perform a Google search every month – yet few take advantage of the site’s catalog of hidden codes. Known as “search...
IN a shock early Black Friday deal, Argos has just undercut Amazon by £23 – on one of its own devices. Right now, you can pick...
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite – the magic ends in January (pic: WB Games) It was originally hoped to be a hit on par with Pokémon Go,...
The Hulkster has had a lot of operations (Picture: WWE) Hulk Hogan has had 25 surgeries over the past decade, according to his daughter Brooke. The...
Abba will release their concert trailer tomorrow instead (Picture: PA) Abba have postponed the release of the trailer for their upcoming hologram concert following the deaths...